The night that it was released I stormed to my nearest bookstore and bought the book as quickly as possible in my haste. I went back home, so that I wasn’t bothered by anyone who scream with ecstasy for getting the book. Back home I started reading the book and boy o’ boy was it a page-turner. I couldn’t stop reading the book, after hours my back started to ache and I relaxed for a while. My recession was over and I continued my journey. After a few days, unfortunately chores kept me busy for some time, I finished with one of the greatest books of our century. The only thing that bothered me was the short ending. “Ahhhh”, I exhaled, was it really over, searching the web I couldn’t find trace that it is going to continue. The JK Rowling website gave no updates on her following book. Terrified, hyperventilating, I tried to relax and found some fan fiction to settle my mind. After many days and episodes, I recollect these memories now on this blog. Still wondering after the release of the Beetle and the Bard if there are more Harry Potter-based books going to be released. Two movies for such an awesome book was also wonderful news. Still, I remember the day that this fine book was released and how many people bought it, how many people went out and celebrated the release of such a fine book.

Nevertheless, I have find some other fine books to keep me busy, apart from rereading Harry Potter, renowned of the list must be, Lord of the Rings. Which have kept me busy for some time.

But there will always be a hunger creature inside of me thirsting for more Harry Potter, for the idea will never escape me.

PS.: Sorry for the extremely late time of this post. But the memory moves ever onwards.

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Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

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